Hi all,
Okay, I've re-jumpered the AHA-1542B thus :
IRQ 10
IOport : 0x370
.....and I've had SOME success.
I have managed to access fd0 and fd4.....just not at the same time.
To get fd0 recognised, I type :
modprobe floppy "floppy=two_fdc 2,dma 6,irq 0,4,cmos"
....obviously "modprobe floppy" would have sufficed here.
To get fd4 recognised, I type
rmmod floppy
modprobe floppy "floppy=two_fdc 3,dma 10,irq 4,4,cmos"
....and I'm able to access /dev/fd4
I just can't access fd1 and fd4 at the same time; because I can't get FDC-0
and FDC-1 recognised at the same time.
It's either one or the other; but not both.
SO, I tried playing with the modprobe command :
modprobe floppy "floppy=two_fdc 2,3,dma 6,10,irq 0,4,cmos 4,4,cmos"
modprobe floppy "floppy=two_fdc 2,dma 6,irq 0,4,cmos 3,dma 10,irq 4,4,cmos"
.....and no joy.
I even tried loading the floppy module twice - once for each FDC - just
returns the prompt, without echoing anything to /var/log/messages
SO.....Question now; is how can I load the floppy module, such that I can
specify both IRQs and both DMA channels ?
It's as though the floppy module is happy to play with either FDC.....just
not both :-(
So near.....was primed for that jig ;-)